Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A big part of coaching is the ability to make decisions.  When you think about it, coaches have numerous decisions that they must make on a daily basis.  All are relevant to our programs though certainly some are more important than others.  Here is a great list of thoughts in regard to decision making from Bill Walsh from his book "Finding The Winning Edge."
-One of the main attributes a leader must have is the ability to discriminate from what is often contradictory information. In this matter, it takes a thorough understanding of the situation and of the sources of information to act effectively.

-Decision making involves more risk and responsibility than any other managerial activity. The work of problem analysis and evaluation can be delegated to others in the organization, but the responsibility for decision making is ultimately assigned to one individual. Choosing among various alternatives often demands courage and moral judgment, as well as intelligence.

-Effective decision making is vital to the growth of any organization.

-Toward that end, there is a series of questions that you should address when making a decision, including:

·         What difference does it make what course of action you decide to adopt?

·         Do you have sufficient information to fully analyze the issue/matter under consideration?

·         If you are lacking essential information, do you know how to get it?

·         How critic al to implementing your decision is its acceptance by those who will be affected by it?

·         To what degree does the commitment of others to your decision depend on their active participation in the decision-making process?

·         Is everyone affected by your decision in general agreement with its basic objectives?

·         To what degree will those who will be affected by your decision disagree over possible alternative solutions?

·         Do the individuals involved in your decision have the capability to implement the decision as planned?

 - An educated guess is just as accurate and far faster than compiled errors. – George Patton